====== Documentation ====== ---- ====Installing and running Redberry==== For the installation and running instructions see [[Installation]]. ====User guide==== The user guide is an extended version of paper published at arXiv:\\ \_\_//Introduction to Redberry: a computer algebra system designed for tensor manipulation //\\ by D. A. Bolotin and S. V. Poslavsky (arXiv:[[http://arxiv.org/abs/1302.1219|1302.1219]] [cs.SC]) The online version includes: * 1 [[documentation:guide:Getting started]] * 2 Basics * 2.1 [[documentation:guide:inputting_and_printing_mathematical_expressions]] * 2.2 [[documentation:guide:Tensors and indices]] * 2.3 [[documentation:guide:Einstein notation]] * 2.4 [[documentation:guide:Standard form of mathematical expressions]] * 2.5 [[documentation:guide:Symmetries of tensors]] * 2.6 [[documentation:guide:Representation of derivatives|Representation of derivatives]] * 3 Transformations * 3.1 [[documentation:guide:Applying and manipulating transformations]] * 3.2 [[documentation:guide:Substitutions]] * 3.3 [[documentation:guide:List of transformations]] * 3.4 [[documentation:guide:Overview of HEP features]] * 4 Specific features * 4.1 [[documentation:guide:Mappings of indices]] * 4.2 [[documentation:guide:Tree traversal]] * 5 [[documentation:guide:Permutations and permutation groups]] * 6 [[documentation:guide:Programming with Redberry]] * 7 [[documentation:guide:Notes on internal architecture]] * Appendix * A [[documentation:guide:setting_up_matrix_objects]] * B [[documentation:guide:Calculating one-loop counterterms]] * C [[documentation:benchmarks]] One can also find some online tutorials: * Feynman diagrams: * [[documentation:tutorials:Compton scattering in scalar QED]] * [[documentation:tutorials:Compton scattering in QED]] * [[documentation:tutorials:Compton scattering in QCD]] * [[documentation:tutorials:Annihilation to muons in QED]] * [[documentation:tutorials:B_c \to u \bar d \gamma|Decay $B_c \to u \bar d \gamma$]] * One-loop counterterms: * [[documentation:tutorials:Minimal second order operator]] * [[documentation:tutorials:Minimal fourth order operator]] * [[documentation:tutorials:Vector field]] * [[documentation:tutorials:Squared vector field]] * [[documentation:tutorials:Gravitational field]] * Solving equations: * [[documentation:tutorials:Spin-3 propagator]] * [[documentation:tutorials:Projectors for tensor particle]] ====Reference documentation==== Use //search form// in the upper right corner to find reference documentation about your topic of interest. ==== API documentation ==== Redberry has Java API that can be used both through Groovy and Java and special Groovy binding that adds convenient syntax constructs for interacting with Redberry from Groovy. All examples on this site mainly uses Redberry through Groovy-binding. Documentation for Groovy binding is separated from Java API documentation: * [[http://api.redberry.cc/redberry/1.1.9/java-api/|Java API documentation]] * [[http://api.redberry.cc/redberry/1.1.9/groovy-api/|Groovy Bindinding API documentation]] ====Feedback & known issues==== List known bug, development progress, post your questions and discussion at