====== Applying and manipulating transformations ======
Next topic: [[documentation:guide:substitutions]]
---- All transformations in Redberry are first-class objects which means that they can be assigned to variables and share a common way for their applying and manipulation. Consider the syntax used for applying [[documentation:ref:transformation]] to mathematical expression: def tr = Expand def t = '(A_k + B_k)*c'.t def r = tr >> t, l = t << tr assert r == l println r > c*A_k+c*B_k As it seen from the example, transformations are applied using left shift ''%%<<%%'' or right shift ''%%>>%%'' operator. It should be noted that both operators are left-associative so in order to apply several transformations subsequently, it is better to use a special ''&'' operator, which allows to join a set of transformations into a single one: def t = '(a+b)*c'.t //first expand then substitute def expandAndSubs = Expand & 'c = a + b'.t println expandAndSubs >> t > a*(a+b)+b*(a+b) //first substitute then expand def subsAndExpand= 'c = a + b'.t & Expand println subsAndExpand >> t > a**2+2*a*b+b**2 Transformations (like tensors) are immutable in Redberry. Some transformations may take required or optional arguments using square brackets: def eliminateWhileExpand = Expand[EliminateMetrics] def x = '(g_mn + d_m^a*g_na)*f^mn'.t println eliminateWhileExpand >> x > 2*f_m^m def diff = Differentiate['x_m'] def y = 'x_m*x^m'.t println diff >> y > 2*x^m In this example, the [[documentation:ref:Expand]] takes an optional parameter, which is a transformation to be applied on each level of expand procedure. In contrast, the argument of [[documentation:ref:Differentiate]] is required. In both cases a new object will be created and assigned to a corresponding variable. The meaning of arguments is specific for each particular [[documentation:ref:Transformation]]. ====See also==== * Related guides: [[documentation:guide:list_of_transformations]], [[documentation:guide:programming_with_redberry]] * Related reference material: [[documentation:ref:Transformation]], [[documentation:ref:Tensor]]