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documentation:guide:overview_of_hep_features [2015/11/21 11:00]
poslavskysv [DiracSimplify]
documentation:guide:overview_of_hep_features [2015/11/21 12:33]
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-====== Overview of HEP features ====== 
-<div class="​text-right"​ style="​font-size:​ 15px; "> 
-Next topic: [[documentation:​guide:​mappings_of_indices]] 
-<span class="​glyphicon glyphicon-arrow-right"></​span>​ 
-Besides general features for manipulation with tensors and a [[list of transformations|wide range of general-purpose transformations]],​ Redberry provides a set of transformations and functions required for high energy physics (HEP). 
-====Calculation of one-loop counterterms==== 
-Redberry provides a set of tools for calculation of one-loop counterterms in curved space-time. These tools allow to calculate one-loop counterterms of an arbitrary theory (with second or fourth order operator in Lagrangian quadratic form) and background in four dimensions in curved space-time in the dimensional regularization. ​ 
-For details see [[documentation:​guide:​calculating_one-loop_counterterms]] and the following tutorials: 
-  * [[documentation:​tutorials:​vector_field]] 
-  * [[documentation:​tutorials:​minimal_second_order_operator]] 
-  * [[documentation:​tutorials:​minimal_fourth_order_operator]] 
-  * [[documentation:​tutorials:​squared_vector_field]] 
-  * [[documentation:​tutorials:​Gravity]] 
-====Solving equations==== 
-Tensorial equations are often occur for example when one need to calculate propagator or find a projector operator etc. Redberry provides a function [[documentation:​ref:​Reduce]] which reduces a system of tensorial equations to a system of symbolic equations and allows to solve the last one with external "​scalar"​ CAS. 
-For examples, see tutorials: 
-  * [[documentation:​tutorials:​spin-3_propagator]] 
-  * [[documentation:​tutorials:​Projectors for tensor particle]] 
-====Dirac & SU(N) algebra==== 
-Redberry provides a set of common transformations needed for simplification expressions with Dirac and SU(N) matrices. ​ 
-evaluates trace of gamma matrices: 
-<sxh groovy; gutter: false> 
-defineMatrices '​G_m',​ '​G5',​ Matrix1.matrix 
-println DiracTrace[[Gamma:​ '​G_m'​]] >> '​Tr[G_m*G_n]'​.t 
-<sxh plain; gutter: false> 
-   > 4*g_{mn} 
-See [[documentation:​ref:​DiracTrace]]. 
-simplifies Dirac spinors: 
-<sxh groovy; gutter: false> 
-defineMatrices '​G_a',​ '​G5',​ Matrix1.matrix,​ '​cu',​ Matrix1.covector 
-def sSimplify = SpinorsSimplify[[uBar:​ '​cu',​ Momentum: '​p_a',​ Mass: '​m'​]] 
-println sSimplify >> '​cu*G^a*p_a'​.t 
-<sxh plain; gutter: false> 
-   > -m*cu*G_{b}+2*cu*p_{b} 
-See [[documentation:​ref:​SpinorsSimplify]]. 
-simplifies products of gamma matrices: 
-<sxh groovy; gutter: false> 
-defineMatrices '​G_a',​ '​G5',​ Matrix1.matrix 
-println DiracSimplify >> '​G5*G_a*G5*G_b*G^a*G^b'​.t 
-<sxh plain; gutter: false> 
-   > -8 
-See [[documentation:​ref:​DiracSimpllify]]. 
-order products of gamma matrices: 
-<sxh groovy; gutter: false> 
-defineMatrices '​G_a',​ '​G5',​ Matrix1.matrix 
-println DiracOrder >> '​G5*G_c*G_b*G_a'​.t 
-<sxh plain; gutter: false> 
-   > G_{a}*G_{b}*G_{c}*G5+2*G_{b}*G5*g_{ca}-2*G_{c}*G5*g_{ba}-2*G_{a}*G5*g_{cb} 
-See [[documentation:​ref:​DiracOrder]]. 
-simplifies combinations with Levi-Civita tensors: 
-<sxh groovy; gutter: false> 
-println LeviCivitaSimplify.minkowski['​e_abcd'​.t] >> '​e_abcm*e^abcn'​.t 
-<sxh plain; gutter: false> 
-   > -6*d_{m}^{n} 
-See [[documentation:​ref:​ LeviCivitaSimplify]]. 
-generates a list of mass shell and Mandelstam substitutions:​ 
-<sxh groovy; gutter: false> 
-def mandelstam = 
-     ​setMandelstam([k1_a:​ '​m1',​ k2_a: '​m2',​ k3_a: '​m3',​ k4_a: '​m4'​]) 
-println mandelstam >> '​k1_a*k2^a + k3_b*k1^b'​.t 
-<sxh plain; gutter: false> 
-  > (1/​2)*(-m2**2-m1**2+s)-(1/​2)*(t-m3**2-m1**2) 
-See [[documentation:​ref:​setMandelstam]]. 
-simplifies combinations of unitary matrices and SU(N) structural and $d$-constants 
-<sxh groovy; gutter: false> 
-defineMatrices '​T_A',​ Matrix2.matrix 
-println UnitarySimplify[[Matrix:​ '​T_A'​]] >> '​T_A*T^A'​.t 
-<sxh plain; gutter: false> 
-   > (1/​2)*N**(-1)*(N**2-1) 
-See [[documentation:​ref:​UnitarySimplify]]. 
-evaluates trace of unitary matrices: 
-<sxh groovy; gutter: false> 
-defineMatrices '​T_A',​ Matrix2.matrix 
-println UnitaryTrace[[Matrix:​ '​T_A'​]] >> '​Tr[T_A*T_B]'​.t 
-<sxh plain; gutter: false> 
-   > (1/​2)*g_{BA} 
-See [[documentation:​ref:​ UnitaryTrace]]. 
-For examples, see tutorials: 
-  * [[documentation:​tutorials:​compton_scattering_in_qed]] 
-  * [[documentation:​tutorials:​compton_scattering_in_qcd]] 
-  * [[documentation:​tutorials:​b_c_to_u_bar_d_gamma|$B_c \to u \bar d \gamma$]] 
-====See also==== 
-  * Related guides: [[documentation:​guide:​list_of_transformations]],​ [[documentation:​guide:​calculating_one-loop_counterterms]],​ [[documentation:​guide:​programming_with_redberry]]