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documentation:ref:tensorfield [2015/11/21 12:33]
documentation:ref:tensorfield [2015/11/21 12:33] (current)
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 +====== TensorField ======
 +''​TensorField''​ represents a function like ''​f_mn[x_a]''​ or derivative of function like ''​f~(1)_a[x_i]''​. Like any other expression, it inherits all properties of [[Tensor]]. Additionally it inherits all properties of [[SimpleTensor]] and adopts same convention on its indices: the indices of ''​TensorField''​ ([[SimpleIndices]]) are sorted by their [[documentation:​ref:​IndexType|types]],​ but the relative ordering of indices within a particular type is same as defined by the user:
 +<sxh groovy; gutter:​false>​
 +def t = '​f_cba^\\alpha_AB[t_mn,​ f_i]'​.t
 +println t.indices
 +<sxh plain; gutter:​false>​
 +    > _{cbaAB}^{\alpha}
 +The relative ordering is not changed even if tensor has symmetry property; in latter case Redberry uses algorithms provided by [[documentation:​guide:​Mappings of indices]] to compare expressions instead of trying to put expression in canonical form.
 +[[documentation:​guide:​symmetries_of_tensors|Symmetries]] of ''​TensorField''​ can be specified exactly in the same way as for [[SimpleTensor]]:​
 +<sxh groovy; gutter: false>
 +addSymmetry '​f_pqr[k_l,​ k_l]', [1, 0].p
 +//or equivalently
 +'​f_klm[k_a,​ k_b]'​.t.indices.symmetries.addSymmetry( [1, 0].p )
 +<​html><​div><​p style="​padding-bottom:​15px"> ​  </​p></​div></​html>​
 +In case of derivatives,​ the total indices of ''​TensorField''​ are formed by concatenation of initial indices and inverted indices of differentiating variables. For example, the indices of 
 + ​\frac{\delta}{\delta f^{abc}} \frac{\delta}{\delta f^{de}} F_{mn}\left(f_{abc},​ f_{ab}\right) ​
 +will be formed by sequential concatenation of initial indices $_{mn}$, indices of differentiating variable corresponding to first argument $_{abc}$ and  indices of differentiating variable corresponding to second argument $_{de}$; thus, the resulting indices will be $_{mnabcde}$ and the corresponding tensor field
 +<sxh groovy; gutter: false>
 +'F~(1, 1)_{mn abc de}[f_abc, f_ab]'​.t
 +Additionally,​ if derivative taken several times with respect to same slot, the corresponding indices will be symmetric, since the relative order of differentiation is not relevant:
 +<sxh groovy; gutter: false>
 +println '​F~(2)_{mn ab cd}[f_ab] + F~(2)_{mn cd ab}[f_ab]'​.t
 +<sxh plain; gutter: false>
 +   > F~(2)_{mn ab cd}[f_ab]
 +<​html><​div><​p style="​padding-bottom:​15px"> ​  </​p></​div></​html>​
 +Since ''​TensorField''​ inherits both [[Tensor]] and [[SimpleTensor]] it provides all features found in them like container properties, utterable, symmetries etc. On the other hand, the ''​.name''​ property from [[SimpleTensor]] will additionally encode information about arguments of ''​TensorFiels'',​ so e.g. functions like ''​f_i[x_a]''​ and ''​f_i[x_ab]''​ will have different ''​.name''​.
 +====Additional features====
 +The additional features of ''​TensorField''​ appear when it represents derivative:
 +<table style="​width:​600px;"​ cellpadding="​10">​
 +  <td valign="​top"​ style="​padding:​ 15px;​margin-top:​ 35px;​border:​ 1px solid gray;"><​code>​.isDerivative()</​code></​td>​
 +  <td valign="​top"​ style="​padding:​ 15px;​margin-top:​ 35px;​border:​ 1px solid gray;">​returns whether <​code>​TensorField</​code>​ represents derivative of function (e.g. <​code>​f~(3)[x]</​code>​) or just function (e.g. <​code>​f[x]</​code>​)</​td> ​
 +  <td valign="​top"​ style="​padding:​ 15px;​margin-top:​ 35px;​border:​ 1px solid gray;"><​code>​.getDerivativeOrder(i)</​code></​td>​
 +  <td valign="​top"​ style="​padding:​ 15px;​margin-top:​ 35px;​border:​ 1px solid gray;">​returns order of derivative with respect to argument at <​i>​i</​i>​-th position</​td> ​
 +  <td valign="​top"​ style="​padding:​ 15px;​margin-top:​ 35px;​border:​ 1px solid gray;"><​code>​.parentField</​code></​td>​
 +  <td valign="​top"​ style="​padding:​ 15px;​margin-top:​ 35px;​border:​ 1px solid gray;">​returns function from which the derivative is taken </​td> ​
 +  <td valign="​top"​ style="​padding:​ 15px;​margin-top:​ 35px;​border:​ 1px solid gray;"><​code>​.partitionOfIndices</​code></​td>​
 +  <td valign="​top"​ style="​padding:​ 15px;​margin-top:​ 35px;​border:​ 1px solid gray;">​returns partition of derivative indices; this partition separates indices of parent function and indices appended by derivatives </​td> ​
 +Let us consider for example derivative ​
 + ​\frac{\delta}{\delta x^{cd}} \frac{\delta^2}{\delta t^m \, \delta t^n}  F_{ab}\left(x_{mn},​ t_i, x\right) ​
 +<sxh groovy; gutter: true>
 +def f = '​F~(1,​2,​0)_{ab cd mn}[x_mn, t_i, x]'.t
 +assert f.isDerivative()
 +println f.getDeivativeOrder(1)
 +<sxh plain; gutter: false>
 +   > 2
 +<sxh groovy; gutter: true; first-line: 4>
 +println f.parentField
 +<sxh plain; gutter: false>
 +   > F_{ab}[x_{mn},​t_{i},​x]
 +<sxh groovy; gutter: true; first-line: 5>
 +println( (0..(f.size() - 1)).collect { f.getDeivativeOrder(it) })
 +<sxh plain; gutter: false>
 +   > [1, 2, 0]
 +<sxh groovy; gutter: true; first-line: 6>
 +println f.partitionOfIndices
 +<sxh plain; gutter: false>
 +   > [[_{ab}], [_{cd}], [_{m}, _{n}], []]
 +The first element in ''​.partitionOfIndices''​ is indices of parent field, while //​(i+1)//​-th element of this array corresponds to indices of derivatives with respect to //i//-th slot.
 +====See also====
 +  * Related guides: [[documentation:​guide:​tensors_and_indices]],​ [[documentation:​guide:​representation_of_derivatives]],​ [[documentation:​guide:​symmetries_of_tensors]]
 +  * Reference: [[documentation:​ref:​tensor]],​ [[documentation:​ref:​simpletensor]],​ [[documentation:​ref:​simpleindices]],​ [[documentation:​ref:​differentiate]]
 +  * JavaDocs: [[http://​api.redberry.cc/​redberry/​1.1.9/​java-api/​cc/​redberry/​core/​tensor/​TensorField.html| TensorField]]
 +  * Source code: [[https://​bitbucket.org/​redberry/​redberry/​src/​tip/​core/​src/​main/​java/​cc/​redberry/​core/​tensor/​TensorField.java|TensorField.java]]