puts terms in a sum over a common denominatorTogether
cancels only terms that can be canceled without factorisationTogetherFactor
cancels factors in the resultCombine terms over a common denominator:
println Together >> 'f_m / a + g_m / b'.t
> (b*f_m + a*g_m)/(a*b)
automatically takes care about dummy indices relabelling
println Together >> '(f_m*f^m) / (a_n*a^n) + (b_n*b^n) / (c_m*c^m)'.t
> (f_m*f^m*c_a*c^a+a_a*a^a*b_n*b^n)/(a_c*a^c*c_b*c^b)
does not perform factorisation:
println Together >> 'x**2/(x**2 - 1) + x/(x**2 - 1)'.t
> (x**2-1)**(-1)*(x**2+x)Use
Together & Factor
println( (Together & Factor) >> 'x**2/(x**2 - 1) + x/(x**2 - 1)'.t )
> (-1+x)**(-1)*x