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news [2015/11/21 11:07]
poslavskysv [[23-Sep-2015]]
news [2016/06/21 09:53]
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-====== News ====== 
-==== [23-Sep-2015] ==== 
-=== Redberry 1.1.9 release=== 
-New features: 
-  * $D$-dimensional [[documentation:​ref:​DiracTrace]] 
-  * New transformation for Dirac algebra: [[documentation:​ref:​DiracSimplify]],​ [[documentation:​ref:​DiracOrder]] and [[documentation:​ref:​SpinorsSimplify]] 
-  * [[documentation:​ref:​setMandelstam5]]:​ generalised mandelstam variables for  $2 \to 3$ processes 
-  * Improved behaviour of  [[documentation:​ref:​DiracTrace]] 
-  * New featured transformation:​ [[documentation:​ref:​ExpandTensors]] 
-  * Sugar: [[documentation:​ref:​InvertIndices]],​ [[documentation:​ref:​fullysymmetrize]], ​ [[documentation:​ref:​fullyantisymmetrize]] and ''​Identity''​ transformations 
-Minor things happened: 
-      * Several bugfixes (including [[http://​youtrack.redberry.cc/​issue/​CORE-179|#​CORE-179]]) and performance improvements 
-      * Output style for ''​WolframMathematica''​ [[documentation:​ref:​outputformat|OutputFormat]] changes: now ''​a^b''​ instead of ''​Power[a,​ b]''​ 
-      * Added ''​Quiet''​ block (suppresses all exceptions and output): ''​Quiet { 1/0 }''​ 
-      * Get index by type ''​t.indices[1,​ LatinUpper]''​ will give first Latin capital index 
-To update your Redberry simply change version in your Groovy Grapes: 
-<sxh groovy; gutter: false> 
-@Grab(group = '​cc.redberry',​ module = '​groovy',​ version = '​1.1.5'​) 
-or download new ''​.jar''​ from the [[:​downloads| downloads page]]. 
-Learn more [[news:​23092015|here]]. 
-==== [7-Jan-2015] ==== 
-=== Redberry 1.1.8 release=== 
-This update includes various bug fixes (in particular [[http://​youtrack.redberry.cc/​issue/​CORE-177|#​CORE-177]] and [[http://​youtrack.redberry.cc/​issue/​CORE-178|#​CORE-178]]) and improvements. 
-==== [25-Aug-2014] ==== 
-===New site and Redberry 1.1.7 release=== 
-Two major things happened: the new version of the site with comprehensive [[:​documentation|documentation]] and search engine is now ready and Redberry version 1.1.7 released. This major release includes many fixes, performance and syntax improvements. To update your Redberry simply change version in your Groovy Grapes: 
-<sxh groovy; gutter: false> 
-@Grab(group = '​cc.redberry',​ module = '​groovy',​ version = '​1.1.7'​) 
-==== [26-Feb-2014] ==== 
-===Redberry 1.1.6 release=== 
-Redberry version 1.1.6 is now available. This release includes many fixes and performance improvements. To update your Redberry simply change version in your Groovy Grapes: 
-<sxh groovy; gutter: false> 
-@Grab(group = '​cc.redberry',​ module = '​groovy',​ version = '​1.1.6'​) 
-This release introduces complete implementation of permutation groups including set stabilizers,​ centralizers,​ membeship testing etc. For details see [[http://​api.redberry.cc|API docs]]. 
-====[15-Oct-2013] ==== 
-===Redberry 1.1.6 release candidate 1=== 
-Redberry version 1.1.6-RC1 is now available. To update your Redberry simply change version in your Groovy Grapes: 
-<sxh groovy; gutter: false> 
-@Grab(group = '​cc.redberry',​ module = '​groovy',​ version = '​1.1.6-RC1'​) 
-===Redberry version 1.1.5 released=== 
-Features highlights: 
-  * [[news:​23082013#​Derivatives|Derivatives:​]] ​ introducing the representation of derivatives in Redberry. 
-  * [[news:​23082013#​Transformations|New transformations:​]] ​  new transformations implemented. ​ 
-  * [[news:​23082013#​Equations with tensors|Reduce tensorial equations:​]] reduce and solve equations with tensors. ​ 
-  * [[news:​23082013#​Tensor generator|Generate tensor:]] generate tensor of the most general form.  
-To update your Redberry simply change version in your Groovy Grapes: 
-<sxh groovy; gutter: false> 
-@Grab(group = '​cc.redberry',​ module = '​groovy',​ version = '​1.1.5'​) 
-or download new ''​.jar''​ from the [[downloads|downloads page]]. 
-Lear more about this update [[news:​23082013|here.]] 
-====[26-Jun-2013] ==== 
-Redberry issue & bug tracker and project managment migrated to YouTrack: visit it at [[http://​youtrack.redberry.cc/​issues|youtrack.redberry.cc/​issues]]. The old Bitbucket issue tracker is now closed. 
-We are very grateful to [[http://​www.jetbrains.com|JetBrains]] company who provided [[http://​www.jetbrains.com/​youtrack/​|YouTrack]] and cloud hosting for free for our project. 
-====[25-Feb-2013] ==== 
-===Hotfix release v1.1.2=== 
-Issues fixed: 
-  * Field substitution with fixed argument bug fixed. 
-  * minor issues and optimizations 
-To update your Redberry simply change version in your Groovy Grapes: 
-<sxh groovy; gutter: false> 
-@Grab(group = '​cc.redberry',​ module = '​groovy',​ version = '​1.1.2'​) 
-or download a new ''​.jar''​ from the [[downloads|downloads page]]. 
-==== [14-Feb-2013] ==== 
-===Hotfix release v1.1.1=== 
-Issues fixed: 
-  * [[http://​dev.redberry.cc/​youtrack/​issue/​CORE-92|#​92]]:​ Factor with rational powers of variables throws exception 
-  * [[http://​dev.redberry.cc/​youtrack/​issue/​CORE-95|#​95]]:​ Substitutions of fields with fixed arguments not take into account signs of arguments 
-  * [[http://​dev.redberry.cc/​youtrack/​issue/​CORE-77|#​77]]:​ Bug in standard form of powers of a product 
-  * and other minor issues in transformations 
-To update your Redberry simply change version in your Groovy Grapes: 
-<sxh groovy; gutter: false> 
-@Grab(group = '​cc.redberry',​ module = '​groovy',​ version = '​1.1.1'​) 
-or download a new ''​.jar''​ from the [[downloads|downloads page]]. 
-====[11-Feb-2013] ==== 
-===Develop: current bugs=== 
-Since the publication of the article, many people tried out Redberry in action. We are grateful to these people for their feedback and bugs detection. Several major bugs affects issues [[http://​dev.redberry.cc/​youtrack/​issue/​CORE-92|#​92]],​ [[http://​dev.redberry.cc/​youtrack/​issue/​CORE-95|#​95]] and [[http://​dev.redberry.cc/​youtrack/​issue/​CORE-77|#​77]] and will be fixed soon. 
-Fill free to post your bug reports and feature requests at [[dev.redberry.cc|Redberry issue tracker]] or [[contacts|send us email]] with your questions. 
-====[07-Feb-2013] ==== 
-[[documentation:​tutorials:​Compton scattering in QCD|Example:​ quark-gluon scattering in QCD axial gauge]]. 
-Compton scattering in QCD axial gauge is added to the [[documentation:​tutorials:​Compton scattering in QCD|tutorials page]]. 
-====[06-Feb-2013] ==== 
-===Paper is published in arXiv=== 
-Paper with the description of basic features and architectural solutions applied in Redberry is now published in [[http://​arxiv.org/​abs/​1302.1219|arXiv]]. 
-====[05-Feb-2013] ==== 
-===Redberry version 1.1 released=== 
-Redberry version 1.1 released.